Look book shoot for Mphosis Hair Stylists in Hastings ended up being a fantastic well co-ordinated day with everyone pitching in. With so many tools available and I'm a bit of an equipment fiend , but really the best resource on any shoot is the people, they set the tone and sometimes the artistic direction and are on hand to throw their ideas into the hat. On shoots like this I ask for input and visual ideas . I iam always in control , but have been saved many times by an observant assistant spotting a potential problem with a product or a garment, thus saved some possible expensive retouching time . Everyone on the shoot is important and their view considered , I just may not listen. Shooting some ring flash studio shots for that hard edged ultra sharp look really makes every strand of hair pop and on location out and about in the city centre one Sunday afternoon. What really made it memorable was that Mphosis hair use this type of shoot as a great team building exercise with great camaraderie between stylists and models. I love working with such up tempo and lively people, defiantly makes you feel young , even if my neck and shoulders didn't feel like that, hand holding a phaseone attached to a Profoto ring flash can do that for you. We followed this with some more relaxed shots on location just using 1.8 * 1.2 Scrims and reflectors my preferred method especially if there are enough assistants on hand and the winds are not to high. The thought of one of the assistants taking of and paragliding is not funny. I've generally got plenty of ballast to stop this happening!!!!!
Basic equipment
- Phaseone camera p45+ back
- Mamiya 120mm and 80mm
- Profotopacks heads and rings
- Beauty dish
- canon 5d3 and 100 macro
- eosm for fun
that looks like fun