Well our blog has been very quite over the past few months as we have been working on a major cookbook project, Hawkes Bay On a platter, the results of which have gone on sale this week .
Hawkes bay on a platter and back poem.
This was no ordinary project as it is a school fundraiser and showcases our very own Hawke's Bay . When I was asked to be involved I had a very clear vision of the photographic style and design layout that we needed to achieve to far excel the perception of a school cookbook , and my good friend and graphic designer Steve Rawlinson from many hats http://www.manyhats.co.nz helped me achieve this . My partner Heather spent endless weekends cooking many of the dishes and styling them with our extensive collection of eclectic props from vintage metal Hovis bread tins to bone handle carveries .
Technically all the studio shots were taken on Phaseone p45 and some of the landscape with a LEE filter Big stopper with exposures of between 2 and 10 minutes , this really flattened out the sea at Waimarama Beach ( very dreamy) Nearly all the other shots were taken on our Canon 5d3 with 50 and 85 lenses . There is also good smattering of pictures shot on a Canon compact. All images were managed in mead pro and processed in Capture one exported to adobe 98 and then eventually were converted in photoshop to cmyk coated FOGRA39 just before producing the PDF for the presses.
Mark Warren ( Not related)
As in any project there is there highs and lows this being no different. The biggest high was meeting Mark Warren from Waipari Station , who not only produces some of Hawke's Bays best lamb but also is a 4 wheel drive expert, which is lucky because his man cave ,as he likes to call it is high on a hill over looking the Pacific and in wet times is tricky to access. Whilst there he cooked us his spectacular Hogget chops over a kanuka fire and smoked some in the Webber, the taste and location won me over.
The low point also involved 4wd, but this time shooting the Land Rover ads. We had taken a fully equipped Defender and after driving at fairly high speeds through small streams.Now armed with our confidence that we wouldn't get stuck, (this is a tank of a vehicle you just feel nothing is going to stop it) we settled on photographing the silver beauty in the middle of the Tukituki just upstream of Black bridge. With no waders or shorts the only choice was to strip to my pants and wade through some of the coldest water, this was early August and and definitely winter and not a pretty sight for any drivers going over the bridge. The situation only really got worse when so called good friend Steve Rawlinson,also modelling as semi competent fly fisherman whipped out his Iphone for quick pic of me.
One very sexy range rover
Not a low
There is a love hate relationship with landscape photography and I myself love taking the time to relax,be thoughtful and create, but I don't have the best of luck with the weather. I have an uncanny skill of getting to locations at the right time with right light,direction and tides (ie well planned) only to to be thwarted by driving rain, that either was not on the horizon or any rain radar, so shooting the Xero ad for the book was a treat, still frosty cold with no driving rain or sea spray, a happy man.
Stunning Waimarama Beach morning.
Thank you
To F L Bone our main sponsor.
Yes , we really moved some very heavy ovens on top of a hill.